岁集设计总监 - 朱子
SUYAB Design Director - Jo Zhu
朱子毕业于广州美术学院环境艺术专业,从事室内设计二十余年。2015年创立岁集家具,致力研究当代语境下的东方家具,以及如何在现代生活空间里舒展地运用。 朱子热爱东方美学,却不以传统家具的形制、雕花等各种符号来诠释,更不同意一板一眼地遵循古人的生活形式。朱子认为,当代生活里的东方韵味,应是隐含在比例、色泽、材料和工艺所构成的整体格调里,从骨子透出来的风韵气质。现代生活空间的动线、人的行为习惯,家人的亲情互动等等,是岁集从产品到服务为您的家真正考虑的深意。
Zhu Zi graduated from Interior Design major of The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and has been working in interior design for more than 20 years. In 2015, he created SUYAB Furniture and devoted in the study of the oriental furniture under the contemporary context and how to better apply it in modern living space. Zhu Zi loves oriental aesthetics, but did not interpret through the shape of traditional furniture, carving and other symbols, and he disagrees to follow the life style of the ancients with no change. Zhu Zi thinks that the oriental charm in contemporary life should be the charm and gracefulness implied in the overall style composed of proportion, color, material and craft. The generatrix of the contemporary living space, people’s behavior habits, families’ interaction and so on are that SUYAB mostly considers to your family from products to survice.